Purpose: Incorporate any experience into the site dynamically, without contact info.
Required/Optional: Yes
Dynamic: Yes, CMS/Taxonomy
Repeatable: Yes
Limits/Restrictions: Taxonomy based, pulls in random storyelling associated with selected tags. Can be manually curated. If no stories match selected taxnomy, component doesn’t display. May link to detail page. Image or Video. Video must be Youtube, opens in modal. Heading required. Testimonial/storytelling required. CTA optional.
Additional Data: Image required, Heading required, quote required. 200 characters. All Structured Copy. Optional CTA Button. Will pull in based on a Storytelling Content type using taxonomy.
Image/Video Dimensions: 4:3 Ratio, 836 x 627px
Image Direction: The image should visually support the component’s subject matter and purpose. The image within this component scales proportionately across all viewports so a designated safe area is not required. Images should be uploaded as .jpg file type, have a file size of 500 KB or less to help your site load quickly, and have a RGB color profile. You don’t need to be concerned about DPI and PPI because they only affect an image’s print quality, not its web display. CWU Photo & Video Style: Create and use images that convey the spirit of campus, teaching and learning, and what it means to be a Wildcat. CWU’s brand promise, We See Futures, can be illustrated in photos and videos that show: the range of individual possibilities for each student, CWU deeply embedded in the community, building careers for today and tomorrow, strengths and possibilities for the future. Follow best practices for inclusive and diverse photography with images that are representative without over-selling. Images must be genuine, depicting situations that truly occur on campus. Imagery that falsely reflects the reality on campus risks marginalizing students and can diminish CWU’s reputation. Avoid stereotyping and misidentifying individuals and groups. Represent diversity beyond skin color and broaden representations beyond students.
Character Limits: Quote: 200