Purpose: Display campus locations in the state of Washington.

Required/Optional: Required

Dynamic: Other, CMS Content type

Repeatable: No

Limits/Restrictions: All copy/ information is required in the location card. Minimum 1 location, Maxium 12. The main campus location should display by default. When a location is selected the campus location image should change to description of that specific location as well as tertiary button. Primary button should remain the same regardless of selection. When hovering on map campus names should appear.

Image Dimensions: 4:3 Ratio, 836px x 627px

Image Direction: The image should visually support the page’s subject matter and purpose. The image within this component scales proportionately across all viewports so a designated safe area is not required. Images should be shot medium-wide to wide and avoid close-ups.

Character Limits: Card information: 125